The rise in sales when it comes to electric vehicles is more than noticeable, but it seems that we are able to say that mostly because of Tesla Inc.’s coming out into the mainstream electric vehicle market. They are also responsible for the end-of-year surge which lead to the year 2018 closing with 2 million sales. The estimated result stands at 2,018,247, which is 72% more than a year ago at an average market share of 2.1%. Moreover, all-electric cars took 69% of sales, while PHEV 31%. Such a high advantage for BEVs has not been seen since 2011. Next year result is expected at 3-3.5 million … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2019
Denise McCluggage: Racecar Journalist on 4 Wheels
If you google the name Denise McCluggage, there are 2 things you will see in every picture of her - her polka dot helmet and her wide smile. With them come incredible memories you can practically feel becoming a part of the longer you look at the pictures of this incredible woman. It’s obvious that the loved what she did and the people she did it with - the titans of the Golden Age of 1960s motorsport. She competed against men as their equal and instilled in them a trust of her so that she would be sure to have the best story at the end of the weekend. In an era when women were often pushed … [Read more...]