Note: If you suspect the A/C not working properly, bring your car for a check-up to our auto service shop in Hamilton. Our licensed mechanics will help. There is nothing like getting into your car after long walk on a hot day and turning on the A/C to cool down. Air Conditioning is a modern luxury that is so common place, it isn’t even really considered a luxury anymore. Most cars come equipped with working A/C units, so you can turn it on as you’re driving the car off the lot. However. Even though car A/C is a staple of modern life, most people have no idea how it works. This isn’t a … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2022
What Is the Best Wax For Your Car?
You may think that car waxing is something you do only in the summer – to make your car shiny and beautiful when the sun’s rays shine upon it, but it’s more necessary for winter car protection. It provides your vehicle with a protective layer against the elements – snow, sleet, ice on the streets, and the salt used by road crews to melt said ice. It likes to stick to your car's undercarriage, wheels, and brakes and lead to corrosion of metal parts exposed to it. But, how to know which type of car wax is the right product for you? Stick with us to find out! If you have a straightforward … [Read more...] 2021 favorite cars
Tips for making your car tires last (updated)
When you invest in a new set of tires for your car in Hamilton Ontario, you can make them last longer with proper maintenance to extend tire life. With these driving and tire care tips, brought to you by the CRS Automotive professionals, experienced and certified auto mechanics in Hamilton, save money on tire replacement over your car’s lifespan and increase road safety. How to maintain car tires Regular maintenance is the most efficient way to keep your tires lasting long, and it can save you a load of money in the long run. We have put together some useful tips for making your tires … [Read more...]