Note: If you need to store tires over the winter, you can bring you can bring them to our auto service shop in Hamilton. We will store the tires for you. With the winter finally being over in Hamilton Ontario – at least officially – our automotive pets surely can’t wait to be properly cleaned, to have their fluids checked and replenished and other major systems being examined by your trusted mechanic in Hamilton. However, the first thing that comes to mind for most Hamilton drivers when the season change is replacing seasonal tires. Given the size of the investment, high-quality tires can, … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2023
How to Repair a Punctured Tire on the Road (updated)
There’s hardly a driver in Hamilton Ontario who has never been through that distressing episode when a tire (or two, god forbid) gets a little iron buddy stuck in it. The buddy gets in, and the air starts getting out. As bad luck would have it, it usually happens when you’re a long way from civilization. As if nails and screws and all kinds of bolts were raining from the sky and falling right to the streets. Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto tire service shop in Hamilton if you are not sure how to fix the tire problem. Our professional licensed mechanics can help. Many … [Read more...]
6 Mistakes to Avoid While Cleaning Car Wheels, not only in Hamilton Ontario (updated)
There’s hardly a more serene feeling than having a freshly washed car that shines like a diamond in the morning sun in Hamilton Ontario. And there’s hardly a more disturbing sight than spotting four dirty, muddy, dusty rims that spoil the idyll. It seems you haven’t paid proper attention. We told you to start washing the car body only when you’re done with the wheels. Not vice versa. And that’s our first common mistake. 1) Washing the body first Although it may seem obvious, it’s worth noting: the rubber legs of your car are its dirtiest part. It’s not just the mud that ruins the fancy … [Read more...]