Archives for July 2023
What Maintenance Does an Electric Car Need? (updated)
What 'electric car maintenance' in Hamilton Ontario?! One of the main benefits of owning an electric vehicle (EV), besides caring for the environment by not using gasoline, and emitting fumes into the atmosphere, is that it requires less of your time and money to ensure it runs smoothly. The initial cost of purchasing such a vehicle is still quite high, but it pays off in the long run. EVs have fewer moving parts than Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles, meaning they have fewer components that need regular checkups and repairs. Note: Our auto service shop in Hamilton Ontario … [Read more...]
What to Do When Your Car Is Hydroplaning in the Rain (updated)
Do you know what to do when hydroplaning in the rain when you drive in Hamilton Ontario? Rainy (fall) weather in Hamilton can be a particularly difficult time for drivers, especially if they are less experienced in driving in this kind of conditions (or in general). Nearly half of all traffic accidents – 46% – happen because of wet driving conditions. The main problem is not the ponds that are created in the streets whenever it rains, whether it’s a downpour or a sprinkle, but the fact that any kind of damp film between the tires and the road surface can cause the vehicle to “float” or … [Read more...]