There’s hardly a driver in Hamilton Ontario who has never been through that distressing episode when a tire (or two, god forbid) gets a little iron buddy stuck in it. The buddy gets in, and the air starts getting out. As bad luck would have it, it usually happens when you’re a long way from civilization. As if nails and screws and all kinds of bolts were raining from the sky and falling right to the streets. Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto tire service shop in Hamilton if you are not sure how to fix the tire problem. Our professional licensed mechanics can help. Many … [Read more...]
Ice Safety Guide (updated)
It’s not unusual for Canadians to go out to a frozen lake in the winter, right? Get some peace and quiet, enjoy the fresh air, rest from your phone… But are you sure you know what to expect and what to do if something unexpected happens? Read on! When going out on a lake for ice fishing, skating, or even snowmobiling, you should prepare yourself as much as possible to avoid going through the ice and having to deal with thin ice. Here are some dos and don’t’s: The first tip to walking on ice safely is to never go out on the ice alone. Go out with another person and keep a good distance … [Read more...]
11 Must-Know Do’s and Don’ts for Your Car Battery (updated)
Note: if you are not sure about your car battery's health, come by our auto service shop in Hamilton. Our licensed and experienced mechanics can help A car battery is essential but a lot of drivers don’t know how to take care of one. Learn the do's and don'ts of car batteries below to ensure your car is in working condition. How long does a car battery last? It’s probably the simplest part of your car. It knocks the vehicle into working mode by infusing the engine with power. It also powers all the electrical devices in your car, such as the music player, lights, chargers, and air … [Read more...]
How to Remove Bird Poop from Your Car’s Surface (updated)
Want to find out how to remove bird poop from car paint or exteriors? If you are the kind of person who hates dirt on their cars, especially that coming from animals – in this case, furry and chirping little flyers – this is the article for you. However funny it may sound, bird poop is a serious thing, not only because it makes your car look ugly even though you’ve just washed your car, but also because it can damage your car paint. Read on to find out exactly why and how. Bird poop contains acids and other chemical substances that eat away at the surface of your car. Since it’s quite … [Read more...]
Highway Car Breakdown: Dos and Dont’s (Infographic)
It’s never pleasant to have your car broken down on the side of the road - especially a highway. You can’t just stop to repair a punctured tire, you may not even be able to call for help depending on your location. Take a look at the infographic to see what you should and what you should never do in such a situation. Should you have any issues with your car or just want a regular checkup, come to our repair shops in Hamilton. We are located only 3 min driving South West of Little Rays Reptile Zoo and Nature Centre and 4 min driving South West of Hamilton Indoor Go Karts. … [Read more...]
10 Long-Distance Winter Driving Tips
Winter is here and with it the holiday season, which means visiting family in the far-away hometown or just going away somewhere you can let your hair down and see and experience new things. (We may be biased, but we recommend coming to Hamilton or Cambridge, ON for a quick visit.) Moreover, if you’ve decided to drive there, then you have a whole other set of problems, especially considering the Canadian winter and all it brings. Very low temperatures, a lot of snow and ice on the road and on vehicles and strong, freezing wind - these are just some of the things to look forward to in winter. … [Read more...]
How to Drive Safely in the Winter
Winter is a particularly tricky time for driving, especially in Canada. Weather conditions tend to be harsh – with temperatures dropping very low, a lot of snow and ice piling up on the road and vehicles and strong, bone-chilling wind, among other winter delights. As much as it all affects you as a driver, always have in mind that winter weather affects your vehicle as well. If you have a misbehaving vehicle, then your job as a driver becomes even more difficult, because as much as you possess the necessary skills to be a safe winter driver, your car might not let you execute every action you … [Read more...]
November Is the Perfect Time to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather (Infographic)
In order to be able to enjoy driving your car during the winter, you need to make sure it runs as it should. It stopping in the middle of a snowflurry and freezing cold weather is not an option, so make sure your automotive pet is in good condition. November is the perfect time to prepare your car for winter weather and here is how to do it. Some things you can do on your own, but to be completely sure your car functions properly during the fast-approaching winter, come to your trusted mechanic here at CRS Automotive. We are expecting … [Read more...]
5 Tips for a Stress-Free Road Trip
In our previous blog post, you’ve had the chance to read about ways to survive driving a car with no A/C in the summer heat. And now, with the summer now nearing its end, heat strokes and dehydration are not there to get you every time you get in your car. So if you haven’t had the opportunity to get out of the city for a little road trip with your friends and family, it not too late. We are here for you with 5 tips for a stress-free road trip (if there even is such a thing). Keep reading! Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto service shop in Hamilton if you you want to … [Read more...]
How to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather?
You know that feeling when it’s nice and cold outside, it’s only just started snowing and you can’t wait to get out and enjoy the winter wonderland? What’s the first thing you do? You bundle up, right? Well, your car doesn’t have the same luxury, so while you are shielded from the cold by a warm jacket, gloves, scarf, hat, boots and whatever else is left in your closet at this point, your car is on its own when it comes to fighting the freezing cold. But, don’t despair! Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto service shop in Hamilton to check if it's ready for winter. Our … [Read more...]