Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto service shop in Hamilton if you are not sure how to fix the problem. Our licensed mechanics can help. It’s a Monday morning in Hamilton Ontario, you are late out the door, you get in your car and try to turn it on. Surprise! It won’t start! Do you know how to figure out what’s wrong with your automotive pet? If you have no idea where to begin, it sure will be difficult to repair it. There are a lot of reasons why your car won’t start: – Faulty starter motor – Low voltage/Bad car battery – Bad fuel pump – Faulty crankshaft sensor – … [Read more...]
6 Car Smells You Need to Pay Attention to (Infographic)
Part of regular car maintenance and driving safety is paying attention to anything strange about your vehicle - be it weird noises when starting the car or during the drive, any vibrations out of place you or your passengers might notice or just smells you think are out of place. However, that is only the first step to solving the problem. The very next thing you need to do is take your vehicle to your trusted mechanic to check it out and do the necessary repairs before something bad happens. We give you 6 car smells you need to pay attention to. Take a look! If you notice your vehicle … [Read more...]
How to Check Oil Level by Yourself (Infographic)
If some or all of vehicle systems aren’t working properly, your car becomes unsafe and expensive for driving, which is why you should make regular maintenance trips to your trusted mechanic. However, should you hear strange noises coming from under the hood and find yourself without the time or ability to go to your mechanic for him to take a look, there are some things you can do yourself - like check the oil level on your own. Take a look at our new infographic to see how to do it. Come to our repair shops in Hamilton today! We are located only 3 min driving South West of Little … [Read more...]
10 Automotive Manufacturing Milestones (Infographic)
Since the late 19th century, and the first appearance of her majesty the automobile, our lives have never been the same. It’s become an irreplaceable part of our existence - and of many of us, the one thing they cannot go without. That’s why it’s only natural that it hasn’t stopped evolving - from appearance to speed and advanced capabilities, the vehicles of today are smart and more energy efficient. These changes resulted in some of the biggest automotive manufacturing milestones over the years, so take a look at the infographic to see what they are. CRS Automotive is in Hamilton and … [Read more...]
Energy Efficiency: Electric Vehicles vs. Fossil-Fuel Vehicles
For a while back, we’ve been seeing the ever so slight shift within the automotive industry - from fossil-fuel vehicles to the electric ones. The first and most obvious reason for this is humanity’s attempt to reduce its carbon footprint and preserve the environment. The second and third are that electric vehicles are easier to maintain and electric charging is cheaper. However, there is one more thing to consider here. Apparently, electric cars have significantly higher energy efficiency than cars with ICE engines. Let’s examine. Note: our auto service shop in Hamilton Ontario is … [Read more...]
How to Keep Car Cooling System Healthy
No, we are not talking about the Air Conditioning System. It isn’t about keeping your person cool. It’s about keeping your engine cool. Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto service shop in Hamilton if you are not sure how to fix the problem. Our professional licensed mechanics can help. Well, keeping it cool is maybe a simplistic way to say it, as the engine never really gets cool while working. But it should at least be kept from overheating. It toils at insanely high temperatures and needs an external source of cooling to keep it running. Wait, how come that … [Read more...]