However tempted you are to say “It can wait until tomorrow,” you should stop and wash your car’s windows now. It won’t take long – just an hour – and you’ll be able to clearly see what’s happening on the road in front of you. Reduced visibility can really distract you.
A couple of weeks ago we published a blog post with some basic recommendations for washing your car’s body. Today we are going to reveal a few things you should know about properly washing the glass without smearing or damaging it.
But you might be wondering why spending two hours to clean the glass to the last detail when even the first rain will wipe out your work?
Because washing the windows properly isn’t just going to protect them for a couple of days or even weeks. It’s going to prevent future rains or dirt from sticking up to the glass or scratching the smooth surface.
What do I need?
Arm yourself with these items:
- Microfiber cloths – five or six of them at least. This is the only material that is guaranteed not to scratch the surface. Any smaller particles will stick in between the fibers, so you can remove them easily.
- A bottle of glass cleaner spray. When buying an adequate glass cleaner, it’s best to choose one without ammonia, as it has a detrimental effect on the glass surface. So, read the labels carefully.
- Cleaning clay. This is a simple yet wonderful invention. It has a similar function to the microfibers – but it does it even more thoroughly.
- Water. A decent amount of it, both cold and warm. Don’t spare it. At least it doesn’t cost much.
- Wax. This will be the decisive thing when it comes to the finishing touch and protection from future contamination.
- Alcohol. If you want to clean the inside windows (and you should), this is a must.
Where to begin?
The logical thing to do is – begin with the outside.
The next logical thing – wash all the other windows before the windshield. The process is the same, with a slight difference of having to deal with wiper blades when it comes to the windshield and the rear window.
That being said, don’t just lift the wiper blades up, clean the glass and put them back. This way they’ll stay messy and just rub the dirt in the window the next time you turn them on. Lift them up and clean them first with glass cleaner, water and a cloth or even a sponge.
Hit the shades
It was one of the most important remarks when washing your car’s body. It is one of the most important remarks now as well.
Whenever it comes to washing any of your car parts, it’s best to do it in the late afternoon, and it’s best to stay away from direct sunlight which could cause both water and chemicals to evaporate, leaving splotches all over the surface.
First goes the cleaner spray
A water hose should send home any larger unwelcome intruders from your window glass.
Spray the cleaner on a very wet surface. Don’t do the entire window at once, because that way it will easily dry off before you make it to the next step. Spray one half and when you’re done cleaning it, spray the other one.
When rubbing with a cloth, you shouldn’t use too much pressure because there are high chances some sharp contaminants are still around.
Some people prefer to do it in a circular motion, while others rub vertically, up and down. Try both ways and decide which one works better for you.
Get a piece of clay
Some warm water sprayed on the surface, and the ground is prepared for the next player.
You will be astounded by the amount of dirt that gets stuck in the clay, even after two detailed cleaning phases passed. Whenever you notice an intruder in the clay, just reshape it and you’ll have it as good as new.
If you are really a purist, you can wipe the windows off again with a cloth and some cleaner spray.
Wax it good
Once the glass is completely clean, it’s time to apply some wax. It will repel rain or any other contaminants and help the windshield wipers do their job without squeaking or making any other noise. Besides, it will make the glass look fabulous.
Apply it in the circular motion with another microfiber cloth. Wait for at least 10 minutes before buffing it off.
Waxing should be done at least twice a year.
Now on the inside – is it any different?
You will notice that the inner surface of the windows is a little bit greasy. This is because the plastic dashboard is a little bit oily, and this oil evaporates into the windows because of the sun and heat. This greasy residue is the reason why it’s hard to clean all the swirls that annoy you so much by reducing visibility both in daylight and during night rides.
To remove the grease, you will need some alcohol and a sponge. Once you’re done with it, spray the cleaner and this should be everything you need.
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