Driving in the winter in Hamilton Ontario can be highly dangerous, especially if you are not a seasoned or even a skilled driver. To avoid collisions with other vehicles or random trees, you must take the necessary precautionary measures. First, you must know how cold weather affects your car and prepare it for harsh winter driving conditions. And second, you need to know how to drive safely in the winter to avoid skidding on ice. The danger of your car skidding on ice is greatest when the ice takes you by surprise. Since not all vehicles respond the same way to icy, slippery roads, learn … [Read more...]
Car Corrosion: The Hazard of Road Salt (updated)
It’s common knowledge that snow and icy road conditions can cause car accidents, especially in Hamilton Ontario. That is also why salt is used on the roads since it helps to melt snow and ice and provides some extra traction when combined with sand. That is why washing your car in the midst of winter is important aside from it looking clean, but also to removing the salt that accumulates driving in Hamilton. Cleaning road salt from your car’s surface is the best practice to help prevent rust damage. The car's undercarriage is often the worst affected by road salt corrosion. Brake lines … [Read more...]
Ice Safety Guide (updated)
It’s not unusual for Canadians to go out to a frozen lake in the winter, right? Get some peace and quiet, enjoy the fresh air, rest from your phone… But are you sure you know what to expect and what to do if something unexpected happens? Read on! When going out on a lake for ice fishing, skating, or even snowmobiling, you should prepare yourself as much as possible to avoid going through the ice and having to deal with thin ice. Here are some dos and don’t’s: The first tip to walking on ice safely is to never go out on the ice alone. Go out with another person and keep a good distance … [Read more...]
Do Electric Vehicles Work Well During Winter? (Infographic)
Electric vehicles are an unknown to a lot of people even today - you wonder how far it can travel, how everything works, what maintenance is like, and of course, how much it costs. With winter closing in, one of the questions most frequently asked about cars powered by electricity is also How well can they stand harsh winter conditions (especially in Canada). Take a look at our new infographic for the answer to this question. If you have any issues with your car, or just want to do a checkup, come to our repair shops in Hamilton and Cambridge, … [Read more...]
What to Do If Trapped in a Snow Storm (Infographic)
There are at least a few things you can do to NOT get trapped into a snow storm at all - properly prepare your car for winter weather and make sure you are driving safely and in accordance with the conditions. However, should you nevertheless find yourself in the situation, here is what you need to do to make the experience as painless as possible. Take a look! Come to our repair shops in Hamilton today! Sources: https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/motorvehiclesafety/safevehicles-safetyfeatures-winterdriving-index-693.htm https://crsautomotive.com/how-to-drive-safely-in-the-winter We are … [Read more...]
10 Long-Distance Winter Driving Tips
Winter is here and with it the holiday season, which means visiting family in the far-away hometown or just going away somewhere you can let your hair down and see and experience new things. (We may be biased, but we recommend coming to Hamilton or Cambridge, ON for a quick visit.) Moreover, if you’ve decided to drive there, then you have a whole other set of problems, especially considering the Canadian winter and all it brings. Very low temperatures, a lot of snow and ice on the road and on vehicles and strong, freezing wind - these are just some of the things to look forward to in winter. … [Read more...]
How to Drive Safely in the Winter
Winter is a particularly tricky time for driving, especially in Canada. Weather conditions tend to be harsh – with temperatures dropping very low, a lot of snow and ice piling up on the road and vehicles and strong, bone-chilling wind, among other winter delights. As much as it all affects you as a driver, always have in mind that winter weather affects your vehicle as well. If you have a misbehaving vehicle, then your job as a driver becomes even more difficult, because as much as you possess the necessary skills to be a safe winter driver, your car might not let you execute every action you … [Read more...]
November Is the Perfect Time to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather (Infographic)
In order to be able to enjoy driving your car during the winter, you need to make sure it runs as it should. It stopping in the middle of a snowflurry and freezing cold weather is not an option, so make sure your automotive pet is in good condition. November is the perfect time to prepare your car for winter weather and here is how to do it. Some things you can do on your own, but to be completely sure your car functions properly during the fast-approaching winter, come to your trusted mechanic here at CRS Automotive. We are expecting … [Read more...]
Why Do You Need Winter Tires?
Winter is almost upon us! Note: if you need consultation regarding buying new car tires in Hamilton, visit our auto service shop. Our licensed and experienced mechanics can help. … [Read more...]
How to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather?
You know that feeling when it’s nice and cold outside, it’s only just started snowing and you can’t wait to get out and enjoy the winter wonderland? What’s the first thing you do? You bundle up, right? Well, your car doesn’t have the same luxury, so while you are shielded from the cold by a warm jacket, gloves, scarf, hat, boots and whatever else is left in your closet at this point, your car is on its own when it comes to fighting the freezing cold. But, don’t despair! Note: You can bring your car anytime to our auto service shop in Hamilton to check if it's ready for winter. Our … [Read more...]